Southern Iowa cATTLE Feed Lot

Who We Are

We are Grand River Cattle Company, where tradition meets innovation. With a commitment to quality, we pride ourselves on a track record of value creation for our customers. This is achieved through our unwavering commitment to animal health and focusing on providing an exceptional customer experience. In an ever-changing industry, we believe it is important to stay up to date with the latest facility technology without losing sight of our roots.

Map of the location of Grand River Cattle Company - Located west of i35

Our Operation

WHy choose Grand River Cattle?

Prime Location

Strategically located near I-35, sale barns, packers, and feed sources.


Employees have decades of combined experience at GRCC and the manager is a former lead cowboy.

Full-Time Service

4 full-time cowboys ride pens 7 days per week. Onsite office personnel provide prompt, accurate customer service.

Quality Equipment

  • Certified Scales
  • Sprinkler system in every pen for summer heat
  • Bedding for cattle in the winter
  • FBS computer system for accurate tracking of cattle and intakes

Updated Facilities

New processing barn, commodity storage, and shop completed in 2024. Office and hospital barns replaced in 2015.

Reliable Results

We will add value to your cattle in a reliable, predictable manner.


The yard at GRCC is environmentally engineered for conservation. The pastures act as a natural filter for pen runoff, and even allow for the use of lagoon water for irrigation. As water flows out of the pastures, it passes through the vegetative serpentine system which acts as a final filter before reaching the Elk Creek. At GRCC, we take our role as stewards of the land seriously. Our commitment extends beyond the well-being of our livestock to include the land and the local community. By implementing sustainable practices, we aim to preserve and enhance the natural resources that are essential for our operations.

Pasture with multiple grazing cattle